Supa Fresh Experience "It's not just a podcast Bro!" Ep.6

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Bringing children on first dates:
Introducing children early in dating can gauge compatibility and family dynamics, but may add pressure or expectations.

Sharing passwords with significant other:
Sharing passwords can indicate trust, but also raises issues of privacy and boundaries within a relationship.

Forgiving cheating:
Forgiving infidelity involves complex emotional healing, trust rebuilding, and often, significant relationship work and communication.

Prostitution versus one-night stands:
Prostitution is a commercial transaction for sex; some see it as a straightforward alternative to casual, non-committal encounters.

Black men in therapy:
Encouraging therapy can destigmatize mental health care among Black men, promoting well-being and addressing unique cultural challenges.

Raising others' children in a marriage:
Raising a partner's children requires adapting to parental roles, fostering relationships, and navigating blended family dynami

"Join two charismatic black men, in their 40’s, as they dive into lively discussions on current events, relationships, and the global issues that shape our world. This engaging podcast offers insightful perspectives, humor, and relatable stories, creating a dynamic blend of entertainment and enlightenment."
 Supa Fresh Experience "It's not just a podcast Bro!" Ep.6
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